Winslow Family tree

This is a the start of the family tree of the Winslow family from the House of Winslow book series.

Edward Winslow
Gilbert Winslow
married to
Humility Cooper
Matthew Winslow
married to
Lydia Carbonne
Robert Howland
Rachel Winslow
Anne Hawthorne
First wife
Miles Winslow
Martha Jakes
second wife
Carrie Drake
Saul Howland
Esther Howland
William Winslow
Mercy Winslow
Adam Winslow
married to
Molly Burns
Charles Winslow
married to
Dorcas Hull
Nathan Winslow
married to
Julie Sampson
Anne Winslow
married to
Daniel Greene
Paul Winslow
married to
Charity Alden
Alex Winslow
George Winslow
Knox Winslow
Caroline Greene
married to
Asa Greene
Whitfield Winslow
married to
White Dove
Christmas Winslow
Melissa "Missy" Greene
Irene Campbell
Sky Blue Eyes "Sky" Winslow
Rebecca Jackson
Joe Winslow